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In my vision for the world, humanity has reached a level of transpersonal, loving advancement propelled by authentic, spiritual people who help all others discover, uncover, and spread their unique and innate personal light.

My Purpose

Recently, I've come to accept and understand that I’m very good at holding space for people. What does that mean? Well, it means that I love hearing your stories. I want to know about your dreams, your efforts, and your challenges. I am amazed by how you want to help heal the world, one person at a time. I understand any challenges you may be facing. I do this with a clear mind and open heart. And, if you’re willing to hear me out, I can give you some good advice on how to re-frame and overcome your challenges.


Ok, so I’m good at it, but why do I do it? Very frankly and honestly, I have been given very clear signs from God/dess/Source/Universe that this is the path to fulfilling my life’s purpose. And, one of those signs was in a dream about me and a mirror (hence, spiritual "reflections"). That was the inspiration for me to become a spiritual business advisor.

My Values

  • Authenticity - by discovering our individual gifts and purpose and allowing that to guide daily action and activities.

  • Growth - through constant personal reflection and learning.

  • Positivity - in thought, intention, and action.

  • Gratitude - in heart and mind, expressed through practice and verbiage.

  • Purposefulness - knowing that all things and people are perfect and serve purpose in their own, unique way.

Areas of Expertise

I come from a family of healers, teachers and business owners. These are abilities and gifts that have manifested in me as well. Like many of my advisees, I have a natural ability to help heal others (through spontaneous energy healing). A life-long learner, I enjoy sharing my knowledge with whomever needs that information.


My knowledge base includes 30 years of working, leading, and owning small businesses and time in the nonprofit world, rooted in my undergraduate degree in economics with a major in marketing. Many in the esoteric world find the mainstream business world difficult to navigate and, at times, scary. I am able to "translate" business parlance into language we can understand. This is supported by my graduate degree in spiritual psychology and enhanced by my certificates in creative expressions and transpersonal eco-psychology.


What can I offer you?:

  • Help with your entrepreneurial business

  • Help to incorporate your spiritual gifts into your business

  • Help remove the blockages and fears preventing you from moving forward by re-framing, re-imaging, and changing your perception of your situation

  • Help you gain balance in your life by helping you integrate your passion and spirituality with your every day lifestyle.

If any of this resonates with you, and you think you can use an advisor on your team as you create and grow your spiritual business, let's have a chit-chat to see if I can be of service to you. Namaste!

Schedule a Talk

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